Sophomore Day Friday 4/16/10

Each year, Steller conducts a health education program with a focus on HIV/AIDS, human sexuality, healthy relationships, and safety.  This program is presented to the sophomore class as a full-day workshop, which features RARE-T peer educators and community guest speakers.

All 10th grade students will receive a sophomore day permission slip on 4/8/10 to take home for parental review and signature.  Student’s who do not have a signed permission slip will attend regular classes for the day.  Attendance in either Sophomore Day or the regular class day is required for attendance in Activity Night.  Permission slips need to be returned to the office or Wendy Williams, Steller School Nurse by Wednesday, April 14th, 2010.

ASD buses will transport all students and will depart promptly at 8:45am and will return to Steller at 2:05pm.

If your student does not bring home a permission slip, please download it here.