Principal’s Report

H. Green

1. First let me apologize for my absence at the Parent Group Meeting. At this time I am in a great deal of pain!

2. Science SBA: Grades 8th & 10th
Friday, April 1st
8:30 – 11:40 AM (students can take as much time as needed for this exam.)

3. Reading SBA, SBA/HSGQE, & HSGQE Retest
Tuesday, April 6th
8:30 – 11:40 AM (students can take as much time as needed for this exam.)

4. Writing SBA, SBA/HSGQE, & HSGQE Retest
Wednesday, April 7th
8:30 – 11:40 AM (students can take as much time as needed for this exam.)

5. Math SBA, SBA/HSGQE, & HSGQE Retest
Thursday, April 8th
8:30 – 11:40 AM (students can take as much time as needed for this exam.)

6. We [Steller Staff] have begun to look at a philosophical question: What would we like Steller to look like; to have; to incorporate? We briefly touched on issues such as:
· Better tech/facilities a state of the art facility
· staff development using tech
· team teaching
· semester long classes to fully develop learning opportunities

The above are just a few of the ideas we are toying with. We will begin a conversation to continue brainstorming these and other ideas at this Monday’s staff meeting.