Choose Respect

These are real Alaskans, real faces,
real names, real souls.

Our people need us. And it’s time for Alaskans to make a difference
in our state – it’s time to Choose Respect.

Please join your fellow Alaskans
March 31, 2010

March from Delaney Park Strip to Town Square Park
Featured speakers include:

Attorney General Dan Sullivan
U.S. Senator Lisa MurkowskiDirector of Anchorage Health and Human Services Diane Ingle
Anchorage Assembly Member Elvi Gray-Jackson
Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau
AWAIC Executive Director Suzi Pearson
S.T.A.R. Executive Director Nancy Haag
Executive Director of Alaska Native Justice Center Denise Morris

Refreshments will be served

Governor Sean Parnell challenges Alaskans to step up – and take a stand against domestic violence and sexual assault in our state. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can choose respect.

For more information, please contact Governor Parnell’s office: