Visiting Speaker

Svetlana invited Julian Lowenfeld to visit our school.  He is coming to Alaska from New York to give lectures about Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), Russia’s most beloved poet and writer, whose works can be described as the fountainhead of all Russian literature.  He is  going to be at Steller on Thursday, March 25 at 9.30 in the MPR.

Because this presentation is a cooperative event with the World Languages and Language Arts Departments, he has been asked to also talk about poetry and translating poetry.   To help all of our students have a better  understanding of the information, it will be presented at a middle school level.

Everyone is welcome!

Julian Lowenfeld will also speak at the following places:

Anchorage Museum of History and Art – Friday, March 26th at 7 p.m.
In Homer on  at the Homer Library – Monday March 22nd at 6:30 PM.
UAA Department of World Languages.
In Fairbanks at the UAF Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures – Monday, March 29th at 5 PM