Spring Intensives

The final list of Spring Intensives is now available. Click here to print.

Pottery and Mosaics

Danielle Sjoden

Students in this class will learn the basics of wheel thrown pottery, including bowls and cups. Students will also complete two hand-built pieces.

When students are not working on wheels, they will design and create at least two original mosaics. Students are encouraged to find unique materials to add to their mosaic designs.

Credit: Elective
Course Fee: Approximately $40.00


Gerald Brown

Pyrography is offer described as the art and science of burning pictures in wood and other materials. In this class beginning students will learn the techniques associated with burning pictures on wood. Returning students will be allowed to progress at their own rate. Grade will be based upon attendance, behavior and improvement in their work.

Cost will be $40.00 if they need a burner and $20.00 if they already have a burner.
Credit: Art

Internship Intensive

Jennifer Wadsworth

Your goal in the Internship Intensive is to have the chance to experience career and volunteer opportunities that are available within specific areas of interest to you. You will be arranging your internship and contacting the person who will be supervising you.  During the two-week Intensive period, you will need to be available for at least forty hours of service at your workplace. You will be setting goals and performance objectives for your supervisor to review while performing you internship. And you will have a chance to share your experience with others at the end of the intensive.

Credit: Elective

Grades: 9-12

Spring Mountain Intensive

Jen Strauss

Grades 7-12

If the idea of having a springtime relationship with nature is your idea of fun, then the Spring Mountain Intensive is for you. This class will deal with the basics of backpacking and wilderness travel. We’ll spend the first two days discussing appropriate gear, food, first aid, and map reading. Students MUST have appropriate gear for this class, especially footwear. Well fitting boots are a must and should be purchased prior to the class in time to be broken in for the trips. Not doing so is likely to result in painful blisters. Students are required to provide their own gear and food. Much of the gear may be borrowed or rented from REI or AMH. Food may be purchased almost anywhere, but weight concerns will guide your decisions.

Beyond the gear issues, with some luck, we’ll have good weather for our multi-day trips up Eagle River Valley and the second trip as the weather allows. As always, what we are able to do will be determined by the weather. This intensive is early enough that it may limit our trail options because of snow cover at lower elevations. Nights are also likely to be cool with temperatures that may drop below freezing, so you will need a sleeping bag rated to +20 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer and a sleeping pad (no air mattress).

Other than gear, you will need to be in good hiking condition; so walking some distance (1 to 2 miles daily) in the weeks leading up to the intensive would be a good idea.

It is not likely that we’ll see any wildlife close up, because of the size of our group, but having a pair of binoculars is always handy for viewing things at a distance.

Beyond this, the wilds of Alaska always provide some of the most spectacular viewing in the world and should provide us with plenty of breathtaking moments that you will be able to capture on camera, should you choose to bring one.

One final note; we will need at least one chaperone on each of the trips and will need more than one to help with the driving to and from trail heads, so if your parents can help with either the driving, chaperoning, or both please have them contact Jen at Steller. The following is the itinerary for the intensive.

May 3-4    Classroom and Day hikes
May 5-7    Backpack the Eagle River Valley Trail (20 miles round trip)
May 8-9    Weekend off
May 10    Debrief last trip and plan for the next one
May 11-14    TBA, but could be Caines Head, Eklutna Lake/Glacier, etc.

Credit: Physical Education or Elective

Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT)

Shanley Driscoll

(This class will be taught by the Chugiak Volunteer Fire & Rescue Co. and Shanley will assist.  Philip will be the teacher of record and supervise the course content)

This class focuses on the essentials of emergency medical and trauma care. This class will cover an introduction to the EMS system, legal and ethical issues to emergency care, medical terminology and basic anatomy and physiology as well as the care of patients in emergency situations. You will have an opportunity to ride along in an ambulance to assist in gaining work experience and medical knowledge.
Upon successful completion and examination you will receive CPR certification and for participants who are at least 14 years of age, a 2 year registration as an Emergency Trauma Technician.

Class fee will be dependent on size of the class ~$250 per student (less if more than 10 students register.)
.25 Science Elective
Dual college credit in Health Science (3 credits) may be available via UAA, UAF, or UAS (separate fees apply.)

Black and White Photography: A Lost Art?

Ken Varee

Students will learn the basics of SLR camera operation, black and white darkroom technique and basic enlargement display. Steller is one of few schools that still has an operational darkroom! It’s a little like magic as kids develop film and make prints for our Stand and Deliver Photo Gallery.

Students need a non-digital Single Lens Reflex 35mm camera.
Class Fee: $30
Grades: 7-
Class limited to 15 students, non-repeaters.
Parent volunteers welcome!
Credit Count: Elective

Creative Writing –Epics–

Peer Taught Daniel Jarlson

This is a peer taught intensive taught by Daniel Jarlson. It will cover the basic elements of epic writings, including what separates an epic from other fictions and what sub-genres are present within epics. Over the course of the two weeks, students will learn these elements, analyze how they are present in the classic epics, and use them to write their own epic stories.
Credit: Elective (must petition for academic credit)

Outdoor Adventure

Leigh Anne Bonney

Do you enjoy the outdoors and want a bit of variety during the Spring Intensive? If so, this Intensive is for you. We will be participating in a variety of outdoor activities around Anchorage during the two-week Intensive. Activities will include hiking in the Chugach Mountains, biking the Coastal Trial, mountain biking on the Hillside, playing frolf and Ultimate Frisbee, and going on a camping trip where we will be hiking and biking. We will also try and help out the community by doing a day of trail work. Parent volunteers and drivers will be needed.

Credit: .25 Physical Education
Grades: 7-12
Cost: $10

Going Public: A Community Art Intensive

Nina Bonito Romine

Students will work closely with the Downtown Partnership and other Steller business partners to produce artwork out in the local community: outdoor murals downtown, sidewalk-chalk art, and sculptures in public parks are just some of the possibilities. All the art will be student-designed, with students working both individually and in groups. This provides an opportunity to get our name out there and remind people what Steller’s all about, as well as let students make their mark on the local environment.

Class Fee: $25
Parent Volunteers welcome
Credit Count: Elective

Video Production

Svetlana Jackson

Ever want to make a short movie or a commercial? Do you dream of becoming the next Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese? Well, you have to start somewhere and this class is just the ticket! In this class, you will learn the basics of video production, script writing, storyboard production, audio and camera techniques, interview techniques, editing (including titling, and music) and porting to final product.

You will need a video camera (digital preferred) for this class or access to one and a couple of tapes. Students will be working with a partner on a project of their own choosing (within limits). We’ll spend the first week learning the basic techniques and the second week on the editing and porting to DVD. Then we’ll put on a show for the school on Friday, May 14 during lunch in the MPR. Come join us for the fun!

Credit: Elective
Fee: $10

Indoor/Outdoor Games & Activities

Toni Stark

Let’s bring some of the WINTER FUN outdoors in May.

Suggested Activities: (Indoor Sports)
Table Tennis • Badminton • Volleyball • Soccer • Fencing • Gym Hockey • Bowling • Swimming • Golf

And: (Outdoor Sports)
Soccer • Baseball • Frolf • Basketball • Others
(Suggestions from students are welcome!)
Student Aides needed.

Credit: P.E. or Elective Credit available
Grades: 7-12
Cost: $30

Frolf Intensive

Troy Fast

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic skill and knowledge associated with the game of Frisbee golf or Frolf. Through active participation, students will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue Frolf as a lifetime activity. In addition, this course provides students with opportunities to improve physical fitness, and practice positive personal and social skills.

Grade level: 7-12
Credit Count: P.E.
No fee


Jerry Link

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic skills and strategies associated with the game of ultimate through active participation in the sport. The rules of the game lend themselves well to conflict resolution, and the practice of positive personal and social skills. This course will provide opportunities to improve physical fitness.

Grade level: 7-12
Credit Count: P.E.
No Fee

Galapagos Islands

Philip Fleckenstein and Jean Poulsen

This course is offered as a science elective credit that will study the ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands. We will look at and identify the flora and fauna of many spots throughout the Galapagos.

Grade Level: 7-12
Costs: TBD
Prerequisites: none
Credit Count: Science Elective