Op Group Minutes – February 18th, 2010

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Treasurer’s Report

A. $4325.67

IV. Old Biz

V. New Biz

A. Chess Club

1. The Proposal:
• Whereas chess club is an academically stimulating extra-curricular
that many students are involved in,
• Whereas chess club allows students to compete with one another in a
safe and positive environment,
• Whereas the game of chess provides a healthy escape for students
rapt in the stresses of school life,
• Whereas playing chess improves students’ ability to think analytically,
• Whereas over 20 students participated in the most recent tournament,
• Whereas it is important to provide some reward for the winners of a
• Therefore we propose that Op Group set aside $18.00 for chess
tournament prizes.
• We propose: A free lunch from GapCo will be awarded to the winner of
the beginner, intermediate and advanced brackets. The lunches will
cost $4.00 each totally $12.00. A free item from the vending machine
will be awarded to the second place participants of the beginner,
intermediate and advanced brackets. The items will cost up to $2.00
each, totally up to $6.00.
• After the items are purchased, any remaining funds will be returned
to Op Group.

2. Passed with no opposition


1. The Proposal:
• Whereas the Technical Production Committee works hard every month to
bring Steller successful dances,
• Whereas TPC is paid $60 for every dance we host in order to maintain
• Whereas TPC was not paid for hosting the junior prom,
• Be it resolved that the senior class will pay TPC its $60 fee for
hosting junior prom.

2. TPC is just asking for Op Group support on this matter.

3. Passed with no opposition


1. The Proposal
• Whereas TPC was assigned to host junior prom at the Bayshore
Clubhouse in January,
• Whereas TPC was not given enough notice to arrange appropriate
transportation of the sound equipment,
• Whereas removing the sound equipment from the building has caused
unpreventable equipment damage, causing speaker sound to distort,
diminish and cut out at times,
• Whereas the equipment is in no shape to use and will not survive
another four-hour dance,
• Whereas TPC has no money to spare apart from the required $1200 in
reserve money to be used only if the soundboard should break,
• Be it resolved that Op Group pay for the replacement of the
speakers. The cost will be between $370.00 to replace the two non-bass
speakers and $500.oo to replace the bass speaker for a total of
$870.00. This might go down if the district will allow the company
interested in trades in. If it goes above this TPC will pick up the
difference. Any money not used by TPC will be returned to Op Group.
• Be it additionally resolved that should TPC be required to remove
its equipment from the building again, the funding class for that
dance or prom will pay TPC an additional fee in transportation and
damage insurance. This fee will be the average of three local DJs’
respective fees divided by two. This money would only be paid as
insurance. If no equipment is damaged in transport, then the money
would be returned.

2. Sent to AG – No opposition

3. Please Vote!!

VI. Announcements

A. Auction Baskets!

B. Auditions for the Drama Club (high school) production of Clue will
be after school Wednesday, 3/3 and Thursday, 3/4 after school. Check
the white board for location and more details.

VII. Staff

A. Discussed intensives. Descriptions are in the hallway. Discussed
scheduling and the AG handbook. There is a committee working on the
proposal for student government credit for Op Group/Ad Board.

VIII. Attendance

A. Jennifer, Lorna, Svetlana, Leigh Anne and Troy were all missing
reps. Toni/Shanley’s AG was not represented.

IX. Adjourn