Op Group Minutes – February 11th, 2010

I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda III. Treasurer’s Report

a. $4074.57

IV. Old Biz

a. Ella – Mural

i. The area where Ella had previously planned to paint her mural contains hooks and it turns out they cannot be moved. Instead she proposes that she be given permission to paint over the mural next to Gerald’s room. This is the mural of the two wolves howling at the moon. Jean presented her case, showing that this mural was never signed and was unfinished. We have painted over murals before.

ii. Passed – 19/2/4

b. ACM

i. Each advisory group is supposed to provide two cheese/cracker trays. Please email Nina to tell her your expected AG attendance and to tell her if your AG will be able to bring finger food. ii. Also, remember the poster contest! The winning AG will most likely get ice cream.

c. Arvin

i. His mural will be moved to the wall right after the green doors in the hallway. If you were looking at the lounge it would be on your left. It has already been started.

V. New Biz

a. Apologies

i. As you all should know, McDonald’s recently made a complaint to Steller about a group of students who were fooling around in the restaurant. They were being disruptive, not listening to employees and were using profanity in front of families with their children. Last Thursday in Op Group the group of responsible students came to Op Group to apologize and to accept their punishment.

ii. They were asked to tell us who they were and what they did. (Names have been omitted for website publication). “A” said he threw soda, “B” used profanity, “C” cussed and was loud and “D” used bad language and was loud too.

iii. The students were thanked or apologizing. Harlod pointed out that he is the only one who is able to officially issue a punishment, but he accepted suggestions from others. He pointed out that this time the punishment was very lenient and was mediated down quite a bit, but next time it will be more serious.

iv. The punishment will be: 1. A written letter of apology to McDonald’s signed by all four students. 2. An apology to the entire school at an ASM 3. 4 weeks of revoked off-campus privileges 4. 2 weeks of work detail with the new BPO.

b. AG improvements

i. The already made lists about AGs were presented to Op Group and will be attached at the back of the notes.

VI. Reports

a. Staff

i. Op House was last week, it went very well, and a lot of students came because of the Know Your Alternatives Tour.

ii. Also, working on the fall schedule

iii. Intensives are being planned!

VII. Announcements

a. Auction Baskets!!

b. Attendance: Danielle, Jean, Jennifer, Lorna, Leigh Anne, Natalie and Toni/Shanley were all missing reps. Thankfully, all the AGs were represented. Thank you!!

Advisory Group Lists:

What students think is good or what they enjoy about Advisory Groups:
• Community
• Food
• Games
• Group
• Discussion
• Knowing everyone
• Student/teacher interaction
• Mutual respect
• Drawing
• Snack
• Family
• Announcements/knowing what’s happening
• Teambuilding
• More productive than an ASM
• AG notes
• Multiple grades
• Awesome people
• Student lead
• Seminar style discussion
• Gathering information
• Individual murals
• Student involvement in the school
• Discussion

What could be improved:
• More activities
• More seminar style discussion
• Participation
• More older kids
• More reliable snacks
• Meeting with other groups
• More time
• More cross-group interaction
• All school hugs?
• Community service
• Volunteerism
• Student direction
• More participation
• Food/drink
• Breakfast
• More joined group activities
• Group switch day?
• Meeting more often
• Sing-alongs
• More ideas/plans
• Activities
• More cohesiveness between AGs
• More input from quiet students
• Punctual
• Teambuilding
• Kickball challenge
• Contribute more
• No interrupting