Thank you

Hello to the Steller Community;

As I walk through the halls of Steller on my days that I come to be a sub (TA) or help out, I can’t stop to think of how my years at the school were so rewarding.  I look about the school with a different outlook that all the students, staff and parents have given me over the years. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that I was a part of something much bigger than just a building with children in it. Adults teaching basic math or reading. It was a community of learners, staff that taught of different ways of thinking and parents that were willing to go the extra mile to make the whole school run.

There have been many changes over the years and as with any changes some were good and some that were not so good but always Steller kept plugging away, always striving and evolving to make it better for the students that walked the halls. This is what in my mind made Steller unique and a step above all other schools that I had been at.  I always came to work and did what I thought was my job, to support the teachers and administration to the best of my ability.  If I could make it easier on them then they would have more time to teach these wonderful ideas and young minds the philosophy that is Steller’s own. Never really thinking that what I did made a huge difference but knowing deep down that I helped in shaping the youth of Anchorage in small ways I kept going.

This all changed on January 29th, the day I retired and I walked into the MPR and saw all the students with staff and parents standing and clapping and cheering. Receiving emails after emails from former students and staff and realizing that the difference I had made was bigger than I had ever thought. Reading those messages and that 10 minutes in the MPR looking into the faces of everyone I suddenly became aware of how I have touched so many and how the whole community has touched me.

I want to thank you all for all the wonderful years. The  Staff and Administration of the school for letting me spread my wings and allowing me to do more than a normal BPO would do and the thoughtful gifts and mementos that you presented me. To the parents thank you for all the support that you have given me in those extra tasks I undertook and the wonderful lunch. To the students, who are the essence of the school. Thanks for listening to me as I lectured you on the rights and wrongs of things. To let me talk about the passion of history, the world, stocks, sports, respecting of each other and the school. Thank you for those wonderful signed books, hockey stick and letters and the best of all just being yourselves and all the kindness and respect you gave me.

You all are the best,
