Steller Community,

Please remember to nominate our school for the NFL Keep Gym in School Grant where we can get $1,000-$50,000 to improve our P.E. Program.
Replacement of broken items, a larger weight room with better equipment, better storage, an outside track and basketball court are all a possibility,
but we need everyone in the Steller Community to come forward and nominate us.

It’s easy to do online:

1) Enter address:

2) Click on button “Nominate your school”.

3) On Grant Nomination Page:
Type in your name.
Provide an e-mail address. (If it doesn’t accept it, put in another
Use drop down menu and select your relationship to the school.
Enter school information Steller Secondary School
2508 Blueberry St.
Anchorage, AK 99503

4) Complete 2 larger boxes– stay under 1000 characters & spaces or do as a
Word Doc & get a count, then cut & paste it into the boxes.

5) 1st box Explain why we need the grant. Describe our current program.
2nd box Explain how we plan to use the money.

Remember: Your family and friends can also make a nomination, so please spread the word!!
The deadline for nominations is February 1st.


The Toni & Shanley Advisory Group and Troy Advisory Group