Art Contest

The Youth Alliance for a Healthier Alaska presents: Make Art. Not Babies. An art contest to promote healthy teen relationships and sexual responsibility.

Rules and Regulations:

Winning entries for each category will receive: $150 VISA gift card for first place, $50 VISA gift card for second place, $25 VISA gift card for third place

Categories: 1. Video/radio 2. photography/graphic art

There will be a total of 6 winning entries.


-The competition will be open to teenagers 14 through 19 years of age.

-Participants may enter one entry per category. Participants can only win in one category.

-Entry deadline is February 19, 2010. Entries received after this date will not be evaluated.

-Email submission to Sophie Wenzel: OR Mail to: YAHA, 4701 Business Park Blvd, Suite 20, Bldg J, Anchorage, AK 99503

-By entering the contest the entrant is giving YAHA and the State of Alaska the right to: (1.) publicly display his or her artwork. (2.) The right to photograph or otherwise reproduce the artwork for the use in connection with promotional or advertising activities by YAHA.

-All artwork must be original. All photographs must have been taken by the contestant. All videos and radio announcements must have been produced by contestant

-All entries must be “PG-13″- entries that are not appropriate will not be considered.


Video: Must be 2 minutes or less, Must be on a decrypted disc

Audio: Must be 30 seconds or less, Must be in MP3, WIM, or MPEG4 format

Photograph/Graphic art: Must be no less than 4″ x 6″ and no bigger than 11″x 17” in JPEG or Adobe format, Must have caption/name on entry

Criteria to Judge: Must have reality, originality and creative pizzazz, and relevancy to the issue.

For questions, please write