SPG Year in Review!

It’s been a busy year for SPG! 

We do so much more than raise and disperse funds (but that is also great!).

This year Steller Parent Group:

  • Hosted the Steller BBQ for 275 people.
  • Facilitated community participation in the decision to add 6th grade to our school and whether to join the Academies of Anchorage model for high schools by hosting online and in person events, sharing communication from the school and helping community members find answers to their many questions.
  • Facilitated finding volunteers to support OpGroup, prom and other student run events (30+ hours of volunteer time).
  • Ran 9 General Membership Meetings.
  • The Finance Committee met 8 times to discuss Requests for Funding.
  • Met monthly over more than a year to update our Bylaws.
  • Reviewed and updated our Policies and Procedures.
  • Created a Document Retention Policy. 
  • Worked on plans for the 50th Anniversary Celebration in September.
  • Facilitated Staff Appreciation. 

Thank you to our board members as well as members of the community who have generously given their time to help make Steller a stellar place to live and learn.

If you would like to join Steller Parent Group and help make next year even better please reach out to chairspg2@gmail.com or complete this form:
