SPG meeting Tuesday, February 13

Mark your calendars now and join un on Tuesday, February 13.

All members of the community – students, staff and parents/guardians are members of Steller Parent Group and are encouraged to join, share their ideas and vote on matters at hand. 


  • Hear from Maria, Staff & OpGroup
  • Funding Requests
  • New Committees:
    • Steller Student Recruitment
    • Update SPG Bylaws
    • 50th Anniversary 2024-25
  • Recruitment for SPG Co-Chair & Co-Treasurer

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81880952031?pwd=bVdaaEJQbzU5bGo5VXU1QnE5eU8wUT09 Meeting ID: 818 8095 2031 Passcode: 793010

See here for Agenda and December Meeting Minutes