The Staff Corner

Hello parents, students and members of the Steller Community!  The Staff Corner returns again this year and is dedicated to communication between the teaching staff and you, the families of our community.  Ideas for this column are generated as a result of issues before us at our weekly staff meetings which we feel merit further explanation or exploration within the Steller community.

This month we would like to focus on the 10 Hour/Family Volunteer Commitment.  Many events at Steller are made possible or significantly enhanced, through parental participation.  It is our hope that each family might be able to find time throughout the school year to volunteer in the classroom, in the library, as drivers, chaperones, seminar coaches or even as experts in their field co-teaching a course.

How do you volunteer?
Step one is to contact your student’s advisor and see if s/he has suggestions for you;  each Advisory group needs a Parent Liaison or Advisory Group Coordinator.  Duties vary but an organized, energetic person to serve as liaison between the Advisory group and the parents of the group  via email or phone, provides a necessary link in the chain of communication.
Since advisors are all classroom teachers, they may ask for your help in the classroom.  Many have “Parent Volunteer Opportunities” notebooks on hand from which you may select a job that appeals to you.  These range in responsibility and time commitment.

Step Two is to check with the office to see if you have filled out the Parent Volunteer form that is available at Fall registration and Open House.  These forms are kept in a binder for teachers to access on an as-needed basis. We can fax you a copy or you can ask your student to bring one home for you.

We welcome your input, expertise, and participation in your child’s education.  Let us know how we can help you help us!
Here’s to another great Steller year!