New Chair for Steller Parent Group needed for March 15, 2022

I will be stepping down as Chair of Steller Parent Group effective March 15, 2022.  In order to ensure SPG is able to fulfill our commitments and continue to effectively support the Steller Community we need someone to step in as soon as possible! 

As of yet, we haven’t had anyone indicate interest in the position, so I thought I’d share the description of the position from the by-laws: 

An election of Parent Group Officers and Representatives will take place at the September

meeting. Any vacancies that develop will be filled by an interim election conducted at a Parent

Group meeting. No member may hold more than one office.

Chair- the Chair/Vice-Chair is a two (2)-year term

  • Prepares agenda and conducts the monthly Parent Group meeting.
  • Conducts or delegates follow-up of meeting business as needed.
  • Acts as liaison between Parent Group, Staff, and Operational Group, or is responsible for arranging an alternate to attend those meetings as needed.
  • Makes reports to Operational Group and Staff, as well as the Steller Community Body meetings as needed.
  • Ensures that parents become acquainted with the volunteer opportunities at school pre-registration.
  • Assists in recruiting and training of Advisory Group Parent Liaisons.
  • Coordinates with treasurer to ensure at least three officers, two of whom must be the chair and the treasurer, shall be approved to sign checks and have their signatures on file at the  bank. The authorized check signers must not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household.
  • Appoints a Budget Committee that includes the chair and treasurer upon election of officers.
  • Ensures a financial review (audit) occurs at the end of the fiscal year, or whenever there is a transition between treasurers. The purpose of the review is to certify the accuracy of the books and records of the Treasurer  by examining the financial transactions of the SPG and the procedures used to conduct those transactions.  Financial Review Committee must be made up of three (3) or a qualified accountant and can include anyone within the unit that is NOT a signatory on the account or related to one.
  • Establishes ad-hoc committees (including the Financial Committee) as needed.

Ideally this work should be shared between a chair and a vice chair – so if we could find TWO people willing to step up that would be even better. 

If we do not identify a new chair before the March 15th meeting SPG and all it’s financial functions will be temporarily suspended until we have a full board of chair, treasurer and secretary. 

As always, I am happy to speak with anyone interested, or feel free to reach out to Dee Dee (secretary) or Claudia (treasurer) for more information about what is involved. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen