Staffing Issues

I am sure many of you are aware that we lost some very good people last year.  I have been interviewing throughout the summer trying to find quality people to hire.

We have a very good Social Studies person in Leigh Ann Bonney.  Leigh Ann comes to us from Romig.  She taught at Polaris for several years and is very familiar with our system.

Chemistry/Science, the position held by Shennon is frozen.  I have someone perfect in mind however I am unable to submit her name due to Science being frozen throughout the District.

As of yet we do not have our Special Ed. teacher.  There are not that many high school special education teachers out there.  The District is working on a plan to fill all of the special Ed slots throughout the District.  More information on that as it comes in.

Finally, the full time counselor’s position is still unfilled as of the date.  I have some really good candidates I am interviewing this week 8/3- 8/7.  Hopefully I will find someone from this group.

Zangle is still coming online as planned.  It is changing how all schools conduct business, however, the biggest changes will be to Steller.  These are changes that do not have to create problems if we don’t let them.  I see us being able to operate as usual with the addition of a few responsibilities that will fall to teachers, students, administration and parents.

I hope you all had great summers and look forward to seeing you all again.

Harlod Green