Next year- a change in what we do

Next year Zangle [the new student information system] comes online. This will mean big changes in how we conduct business.

One of the biggest changes will be how we do attendance. Each teacher will take attendance at the beginning of class everyday. Any student that is 20 min. or more late will be considered absent. Depending on whether it is an excused absence or not could affect the over all grade of a student.

In the case of unexcused absences- the teacher does not have to issue make up work. However, if it is an excused absence they will give make up work. What determines whether an absence is excused or not depends on one thing- did the parent call their child in.

To call a child in the parent must contact the school [742-4950] and let us know why and for how long the child will be absent. If a child goes to lunch and does not get back to school in time- a parent after being contacted by their child cannot then call the child in as excused.

However, if a student is having lunch with the parent the parent needs to call the student in for a blue pass prior to the student leaving. Also, if the student has a Dr. appointment or any other type of appointment the parent can call in a blue pass for the student to go to that appointment. Blue passes also count as an excused absence which means that there will be make up work assigned as needed.

All of these changes are due to the new system that is coming online in the fall.

I will have more information for you at the beginning of the year.

Enjoy the summer with your child.
