Status Update

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to spring break 2.0… well, not really.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this unprecedented situation.  The School District Administration has been in high action, working through new processes and the necessary supports to continue the education of your children.

In the next few days Advisors will be in contact with you with a School Closure Needs Assessment Survey to gather information from contacts to online availability.

Steller will be open to pick up necessary items (needed in the next two weeks) Wednesday and Thursday from 10 am- 1 pm.  Friday pickup will be by appointment only (742-4950). Please check into the office to be escorted to the room for your belongings.

For the next two weeks, you will be receiving emails from your teachers with directions and links as to how to access supplemental learning materials for each class.  This work will not be graded, but you are encouraged to do it to keep your skills strong, keep your curiosity piqued, and your study skills fresh.  

Many teachers will be using Google Classroom or Canvas – both of which can be accessed from the ASD website –  as a platform to provide learning materials.  It would be helpful to play around with these platforms, and ask questions when you can’t figure them out because, in the case that schools continue to be closed, these platforms are likely how teachers will deliver lessons in the future.

Teachers are available to help answer questions, connect you to more supplemental materials, and be a resource.  Please contact us through email or calls to the office.

In addition, please look for important information by Marianne (counseling/testing) and Annette (nursing/health) posted on The Steller Flash.

We hope you and your family are well, and we look forward to seeing you in person soon.

The Steller Staff