Scholarship News from UAF

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has some very exciting news to share! UAF will offer four-year scholarships to eligible students beginning in the fall 2020 semester.

The new scholarship program, Nanook Pledge, will provide four years of annual assistance to first-year students, transfer students and readmitted students at UAF enrolled in bachelor degrees. Awards for eligible students will range from $1,000 to $10,000 per year, and will be calculated based on criteria that include test scores, grade-point averages and tuition rates. Students can check their eligibility and determine the amount of their award with our online calculator.

As many of you are aware, most scholarships that UAF currently offers only provide funding for a single year at a time. Nanook Pledge is designed to overhaul the UAF scholarship process to allow for four years of predictable financial assistance to students.
Starting in January, admitted UAF students who qualify for the award will start receiving notification of their scholarships. This spring, students will receive a financial aid offer letter detailing their total cost to attend UAF, factoring in Nanook Pledge scholarships, tuition rates and other financial aid. UAF will also provide each newly admitted student with a personalized video that outlines their anticipated financial aid and expenses in clear terms.

More details about the scholarship program are available at