We are in the last week of regular classes for this semester and intensives are starting next Monday. It is exciting to have two weeks of fun before the start of winter break and I hope the excitement will carry over to fun activities over the break.
MAP testing – some students will be doing the MAP assessment Friday December 6th during registration.The staff at Steller chose registration day for the testing to minimize impact on instruction. Students have received a note and testing time is 10:30. The testing is mandated and students who don’t participate Friday will be pulled out for testing during intensives. The test typically takes 45 – 90 minutes. I will also let students take the test prior to Friday needed. If you have a child in grades 7, 8 or 9, please ask them if they received a note about testing Friday.
PSAT scores are arriving soon and I will post a note in the hallway and let advisors know when they arrive. Students can also log in to their College Board account and some may receive and email or a text that their scores are available. I recommend that students look at areas of weakness and strength and prepare accordingly for the SAT.