Congratulations, Griffin and Xavier!

Steller Band students, Griffin Lindsay and Xavier Libbrecht have been selected to participate for the 2019 ASAA All-State Band.  The membership for the All-State Band signifies the highest honor for high school band students in Alaska. Griffin is a sophomore French hornist, and Xavier is a sophomore bassoonist.  They were rated so high in the very competitive auditions that the students have attained chairs for the wind sections for the All-State Orchestra, too.  “I can not be more proud of Griffin and Xavier”, said Mr. Toba. “They regularly and wisely practice their instruments, and the effort the boys have put paid the big dividend.  I know they will have a great time participating in the All-State Band.  I am so glad to have the boys in band at Steller.  They are among the quiet leaders.”  The All-State Band, Choir, and Orchestra will rehearse on Thursday, November 21st through Saturday, the 23rd at East High School.  The All-State Gala Concert will be at West High School, starting at 6 p.m. in the Saturday evening.  Admission is 10 dollars for adults, 5 dollars for students.  Public is invited.