Reminder: The Seniors are requesting that you bring snacks and breakfast items for the Activity Night as part of your contributions to our ongoing community activities here at Steller. The following is a list by Advisory Groups for the items:
- Bob
- Jean
- Ken
- Nina
- Danielle
- Jen
- Larry
- Philip
- Frank/Toni
- Jennifer
- Michelle
- Shannon
Chips and Dip
- Gerald
- Jim/Dennis
- Natalie
- Troy
On going: We now are in the process of hiring for 3.5 positions. We are currently interviewing Social Studies applicants. We have J. Banta, K. Varee, J. Krimp, J. Steele and myself on that committee. We will also be interviewing for a full time counselor, a Science/Chemistry person and a half time Drama person. I have the students and parents lined up for these interviews and we are hoping to get quality personnel.   Normally the number of questions on any interview does not exceed 10-15 questions, usually the former. However, there are 35 questions for the SS position, 25 for the counselor, science and drama.
4/22/09: Two orchestra students, Liz Tix and Laura Jungreis, will play their cello duet for the parent meeting.