April 17… 8 PM to 8 AM Saturday
Without the other third of our community, the parents… Activities such as this will disappear!!
PLEASE VOLUNTEER to Host a Room, Door Patrol, Chaperone the Dance, work the breakfast or Snack Duty.
What you need is a permission form…. Wednesday at 3 PM is the last day to get them in. All students attending need permission for attendance and for the movies. The general permission form signed in the fall will not cover this special event.
Here are the movie room genre assignments:
- Gym- Sports/Games
- Danielle- Board Games
- Jean- Rocky Horror Picture Show – rated R
- Ken- WOW/Video Games
- Jen- Video Games
- Michelle- Action – rated PG-13/R
- Natalie- Arts and Craft
- Bob- Comedy – rated G
- Jennifer- Anime – rated PG-13/R
- Philip- Comedy/Horror – rated R
- Shannon- Comedy/Horror – rated R
- MPR- Dance Activities
The Seniors are requesting that you bring snacks and breakfast items for the Activity Night as part of your contributions to our ongoing community activities here at Steller. The following is a list by Advisory Groups for the items:
- Bob
- Jean
- Ken
- Nina
- Danielle
- Jen
- Larry
- Philip
- Frank/Toni
- Jennifer
- Michelle
- Shannon
Chips and Dip
- Gerald
- Jim/Dennis
- Natalie
- Troy