Testing Schedule

On April 2, the 8th and 10th graders will be taking the Science SBA’s.  All
8th graders need to report to the MPR by 8:30.  10th graders A-K Jen’s Room,
L-Z Ken’s room.  All other students will attend classes as normal.  Students
will not have access to Ken’s or Jen’s room until testing is finished.
Please plan accordingly.

Also, attached is a schedule for next week.  Please remember that next
Tues/Wed/Thurs, April 7,8,9 all 7-10th graders will be testing.  Testing
will start at 8:30 so please have your student report to their testing area
on time.  Make sure that your student gets a good night sleep and eats
breakfast.  These two actions can greatly improve their ability to focus
during those long testing periods.  Also, have your student bring a book to
read in case they finish early.

Click here for the class schedule during testing week.