Steller Olympics!

Steller Olympics is coming up on the 18th. This is a fun day, where Advisories compete against each other in multiple events held throughout the day. We will be holding a potluck lunch where each student brings something to contribute. Here are advisory food assignments:

* Sandwiches for three people – Leigh Anne’s, Jason’s, Becky’s, Philip’s, Bob’s, Brian’s, and Mike’s

* Chips – Troy’s, Sventana’s, and Rosa’s

* Fruit for 3 – Ken’s, Marla’s, and Simone’s

* Cookies – Danielle/Ashley’s

Parents: We also need a few volunteers to help with lunch-from 11:00-12:30 and Eugene needs a parent in the afternoon from 12:00 to 2. Please email Leigh Anne at, if you can help.