Steller BYOD-evice Committee met today to start the process of creating a more healthy digital community at Steller. First meeting: “Brainstorm the Problem” (see the list below). Having confirmed there is a problem, the team decided to meet weekly to work on a solution. Parents, students and faculty are all welcome! (PLEASE COME!) Next meeting we will break into small committees to start addressing the issues that have been identified.
Meeting in Marla’s room Wednesday, 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
The issues (pro & cons)
- Need them for school
- Selfies in class are BAD
- How are we going to go about creating the policy
- “a lot of NOT learning is going on.”
- Class and school time is being used to make non-school plans
- Devices are distracting more than supportive of education
- Try a phone-free day
- A problem out of school too-driving and cell phone
- Cellphone responsibility is part of success as an adult-in life
- Should the policy be teacher discretion rather than person responsibility
- Sleep loss!!!
- Responsible freedom – should we even have a policy?
- Students could engage in “correcting” students on phone in class etc.
- Part of the solution will be to create a framework for a solution
- Use only outside of class when texting and gaming
- Responsible freedom cant be the whole policy
- The rule doesn’t need to change-the way we view the rule does
- “coffin” option is good *Maybe leave class to use phone
- Meeting went great because none of us are on our devices
- We have to have something to base our norms on FOR responsible freedom
- Gaming on ASD wifi is STEALING *RF is NOT working!!
- Teachers also need some clarity for every classroom
- Phone and text messages from home can go through the office