Galapagos Intensive count down has started!

For parents and students in the Galapagos Intensive, the count down is started!!  We have 6 weeks until we will be on an airplane headed for Ecuador.  I would like to host a final parent/student meeting at Steller on November 15th at 6:00pm to make sure everyone has the contact information, all paperwork filled out, a packing list and general travel guidelines.  This meeting should take about 1/2 hour to an hour depending on paperwork.  We will be meeting in Svetlana’s room (not the relo) because hopefully there will be snow by then!  If you cannot attend, please contact me at so that I can meet with you another time and double check that you have all of the information we will be covering at the meeting.

        As well, for students that are traveling, we are hold a MANDATORY meeting next Wednesday November 9th during lunch in Relo #1 to cover geography, room assignments, and other odds and ends.  Please bring your lunch and a notebook to take notes with [😊]