Another year is at a close, we are gearing up for summer. I already miss the banter and energy of the Steller hallway. Graduation was wonderful; many of our graduates spoke, showing slides, with interests and passion (many indicators of having taken took advantage of their education). I was proud to be a part of their last moments and parting thoughts; they are a fine bunch! I look forward to hearing of their successes in the future.
End of the Year Conference are complete. I hope you all were able to attend. For those of you that are moving on to different places and programs I hope you are able to take parts of Steller with you. For those that are returning, think about what you would like to accomplish in a Passage and for your goals for the future. To you all, have a wonderful summer and hit the fall with academic eagerness.
Funding continues to be the biggest news/worry in Steller’s future. We have an amazing program with internal and external reviews; we listen and are working to improve in many ways. Please send your educational funding opinions to our legislators. We have taken a teacher position cut but more will create chaos and question Steller’s future. We are important and we need to be heard!
Steller continues to be a strong, exciting, self-determining program. There are opportunities not found in other schools; it is a pleasure to watch students excel and grow within projects, topic and courses of choice. I am a lucky educator to be a member of such an inspiring program.
Thank you for your continued support.
Reed Whitmore
P.S. Save the Date : Wednesday, August 16 Steller Community Barbecue 6-8 pm In the Steller Field.