Steller Clean-up … Friday, April 28

Hey there, I need some help getting excitement stirred up about Anchorage clean-up! 
Friday: Isn’t break-up seasons beautiful?! When the snow melts and the trash emerges, WE need to step in and do a bit of spring cleaning around Anchorage. Certainly you have seen others picking up trash in the end of April, and this is your chance to participate in the coordinated city-wide effort. Clean-up begins on Friday, April 28 and will be going strong through Saturday. Steller will be participating as a team by tackling as much of the surrounding area as we can. Prizes will be awarded to the top collectors but we will also have extra bags and gloves for you to spread the cleaning to your local neighborhoods. See Brian, or just show up in the lounge after school 3:15 on Friday, April 28.