No Fiesta Friday this Friday

No parent or students signed up to help with Fiesta Friday – so it is canceled for this week.
Sorry folks, I am sure if I had time to call many people, we could come up with a crew to make this happen but I posted instead I only had time to post in the Flash and on the white board.  Because there was no response, we have to cancel.  If someone else wants to take on the role of help recruitment, I am happy to help execute the prep/lunches later this year, with some commitment of volunteers.
NEXT YEAR – We had to cancel our meeting about Souper Steller for next year because it was a snow day.  If ANYONE wants to help take on leadership for next year, please call me at 884-2299 to discuss or email and I will be happy to pass on some ideas.  I wish I could take it on again but I am afraid six years is all I can do because I am going to need to put in more time working – Thanks Much!