Seniors and their Families: Graduation Choices and Plans

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is right around the corner.  The following list has many options for students.  Please contact Becky or Simone for questions and suggestions. See you soon at the Wendy Williamson for the big event!

Senior Meeting 3/31 at noon in Becky’s Room, number 143 at Steller

  • Optional guest speaker for 5/22
  • Senior breakfast on 5/22
  • Chairs and props on stage delivered and retrieved on 5/22
  • Rehearsal schedule on 5/22
  • Hat and gown size for cap and gown measured on 3/31
  • Order of graduates presenting decided for 5/22
  • Graduation slideshow/plan on quicktime for a powerpoint (2-3 mins) due on  4/12
  • Speeches—Arctic Entries model with a beginning, middle, and end due on 4/12
  • Plan for next year for programs due 4/21
  • Handprints in lobby date
  • Attendance for the rest of the semester important