King Career Center Doggie Daycare

The Veterinary Science program at King Career Center teaches students the principles and practices of working as a Veterinary Assistant in the Veterinary Hospital.  Students also learn about the many other opportunities there are within the Veterinary Field.  Students accomplish this not only through theory, but also through hands on learning experiences.

The program runs a Doggie Daycare Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm, but is closed when the school is closed.  The daycare ensures that students have routine exposure to animals and get comfortable working with them.  This can only be accomplished through repetition of handling and restraint techniques.  This is not only a positive experience for the students, but for the dogs as well.

During daycare, pets get playtime and can also receive multiple grooming services. Every pet gets plenty of attention, several walks a day, free access to water, and a whole lot of love!!!!

Please see this flyer, that includes our contact information, required vaccinations, and a list of services and suggested donations.  Donations go toward the Student Activities Fund which pays for field trips, guest speakers, and the Wildlife Ambassadors that come to the class. 
Thank you for supporting the program! – KCC DoggieDaycare flyer