Free glaciology and marine programs for girls ages 16 to 17

Inspiring Girls Expeditions is accepting applications through Jan. 31 for free summer science and wilderness expeditions in Alaska and Washington for girls ages 16 to 17.

Three teams of up to nine teenage girls and three instructors will spend 12 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers or fjords with tidewater glaciers. They’ll conduct scientific field studies with professional glaciologists, oceanographers, artists and mountaineers.

The three Inspiring Girls trips of 2017 will include Girls on Ice Alaska, Girls On Ice Cascades and Girls in Icy Fjords. They are operated through the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Natural Science and Mathematics and the International Arctic Research Center.

Girls participate in these programs tuition-free through small grants, gifts from individuals and support from the National Science Foundation, the Department of the Interior Alaska Climate Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

For more information, and to learn about the application process, go to