Reed College Deadlines

Reed College is getting ready to admit a new class of Reedies.

  • New Regular Decision Deadline – January 1 (instead of January 15).

  • Early decision deadlines remain November 15 and December 20.

  • New Application Option Alongside the Common Application: Reed now accepts the Coalition application. Adding this option offers students a choice in deciding how to best represent themselves in the application process. The Coalition platform also provides students with a portfolio of useful college planning tools.  Students will be given the same consideration for admission regardless of the option they choose. Learn more about why Reed is a Coalition School.

  • See a guide for taking a practical approach to visiting colleges. The article touches on topics like why students should visit colleges, what to think about before setting foot on a campus, and how to ask great questions of tour guides. Read the rest of the article. As always, please contact Reed College’s admission office with any questions you or your students have.