The Countdown Has Begun – 1 month until our Annual Steller Auction!


When: Saturday, October 15th @ 6:00 p.m.

Where: Steller Gym and MPR

What:  Items you donate are sold during silent and live auctions.

Why:  To help support the enriching environment Steller provides for our students!

The annual auction is our only fundraising activity, so please start bringing gently used or interesting items to the office (please, no clothing). Donation forms will be available for those wishing to track for tax reasons. Proceeds go towards things such as student grants for projects, travel scholarships for intensives, and Steller community led school improvements.  Thank you to those who have already brought items in!

Many hands make light work – if you would like to volunteer to help in any way, please contact Janine Nesheim at 522-6626 or   Thank you to all who have already signed up to volunteer!