Ole Steller Yeller – January 2009

I hope that each of you had wonderful moments filled with sharing love, compassion and hope with family and friends during the recent holiday season.  We are once again in the process of beginning our Second Semester.  And, what a Second Semester it promises to be!

I am sure by now you all have read the RECESS proposal, if not you can view it here or pick up a copy in the office, and I am sure that you all have thousands of questions.  But, for now I’d like to focus on a couple components of RECESS. First is the APU College English course, “ The American Short Story”.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to have a college course delivered on our campus for both College and High School credit.  The course is an eleven-week offering and should prove to be very exciting.

Another aspect of RECESS is the offerings by VSA Out North Arts.  They will have someone in our school to actually work with students on writing and performing performance poetry.  This person, Faye Sikora, is also the proprietor of “Speak Easy” which is a venue for artists from around the United States and abroad to showcase their talents.  As part of Speak Easy being in the school Faye will bring these renowned performers to our school for our enjoyment pleasure.  In addition to Faye we will also have, at different times and dates, Allison Warden who is an Alaskan Native Story Teller, and Betsy Douds and actress of Film and Theatre who will share her talents with us.  In addition to being an actress Betsy is an English teacher and a certified yoga instructor.

I am very excited about this upcoming semester, it promises to be very exciting and challenging.
