The Steller Advisory Board is being called together for a SPECIAL MEETING on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:30pm. The only agenda item needing attention is to discuss and possibly adopt the proposed changes to the Steller Secondary Bylaws (ATTACHED HERE). If you missed previous notices (first release of proposed bylaws was 4/11/16) or the presentation and discussion at the All Community Meeting, there are changes being proposed to the Steller Secondary Bylaws. We stated if anyone has comments or concerns related to the proposed changes they should email Principal Whitmore (Whitmore_Reed@asdk12.org) and put their concerns in writing. As of May 9, 2016 no comments or concerns were submitted. Since a vote on the bylaws is expected at the 5/17/16 meeting I strongly suggest you review the document and consider if this meets your Steller needs. Thank you for your time and attention. All parents, students and staff are WELCOME! Please contact Karen Gillis (907-887-1148) with any questions.