Last Parent Group Meeting for the Current School Year Until Next August

imageMay 4, 2016 - Ken’s Room at Steller Secondary School (6:00 PM to 7:30PM)

Key agenda items include:

  • Grant or Funding Requests

  • Principal, Staff and Committee Reports

  • Upcoming Budget for 2016-17

  • Officers Solicitation for 2016-17

A draft agenda as well as the April 6th meeting minutes are attached HERE  . If anyone has other business items they wish to include for this meeting please drop and email or give me a phone call.  Email or Cell 907.23.1711.  Items may also be brought to the meeting and added during the agenda review. Note: the Treasurer’s report will be made available at the meeting.

Please come and support your Parent Group – students and others are welcomed and encouraged to attend..