Counselor’s Corner: Spotlight on Student Volunteers

Steller Student Volunteers Shine Through the Day and Night!

Steller Secondary School students worked hard during their free time this holiday season to bring sunshine and hope into the lives of others, and had heaps of holiday fun while doing it!


Title Wave, Steller’s school business partner, continued to give Steller priority during the entire holiday season on the gift wrapping station located at the front of their flagship Northern Lights store.  Title Wave provided the wrapping paper, tape, table, and periodic public address announcements free to Steller students, chaperones and staff.  Steller volunteers provided cheerful and creative wrapping skills and a jar for gratuities to earn tips for charities, clubs and activities. Parent Paula DeLaiarro commented, “The folks at Title wave are always terrific!  I’ve been doing wrapping there for various Steller groups for a couple of years now and always enjoy my time.  The table is set up and supplied with everything we need when we arrive and the staff makes timely announcements about our group’s wrapping service.  It’s a well-run, stress-free operation.  Their willingness to welcome fund raising groups is a win-win deal for all!”

On Friday, November 28, Steller students with Bob’s England Intensive wrapped gifts at Title Wave books all day and raised over $100.00!  The next day, November 29, a terrible snow storm didn’t deter folks from Toni and Frank’s Advisory from coming out and wrapping gifts for 8 hours.  Some of those who helped included Steven C, Wright F Gina G, Tydra H, Shannon L, and Malia L, and parents Christy Genne April Hurd, and Toni.  Toni reports that the $50.00 raised that day has already been donated to Covenant House!

On Saturday, December 7 students Ella E Camille H Maddy K Jessica M Cassie S, Liz Ti and Andrea W accompanied by parents Rhonda Grove, Sarah Klever, Kim Tix and Mary Witte, raised money for Natalie and Nina’s Cooking intensive.  Natalie commented, “the students and parents took 2 hour shifts from 10a.m. to 6p.m.  We raised a little over $100.  I felt it was very successful.”


On Sunday, December 7, Jennifer and students raised funds for the D.C. Inauguration trip, while on Saturday, December 20 members of Shannon’s advisory group honed their wrapping skills. The following students were there  – Luc B, Erk B, Matt C, Laura J, Katie S, Sara W, Kaelyn W, and Bryn W.  These students were were accompanied by parents Mike Baker, Sally Carter, Lisa Fleischer, Wilma Whealy, and Shannon.  Shannon commented, “It was wonderful for us and we really appreciated the ability to fundraise $140.00 for charity!”

Not to be outdone, on Saturday, December 13, David D, Lora G, Samantha H, Chris J, Shelby K, and Nile M, along with parents Peggy Cobey, Paula DeLaiarro, Bonita Geary and Joan Koval busily wrapped gifts from morning till night on behalf of the Class of 2011.  This group was truly fired up, and returned on Sunday, December 21 once again.  Those that wrapped it up included students Jed G, Taryn H, Sonja S, and Kaelyn W, accompanied by parents Peggy Cobey, Carol Downey, Paula DeLaiarro, and Whitney Sutton.  The sophomore class wrapped gifts for a combined total of over 15 hours!

Congratulations to all that participated!  You all are a stellar model of stellar community service here at Steller.   The coveted glass jar “torch” has now been passed and…it’s a wrap!

Finally, if you would like to find out more about how your business could become a school business partner, please contact Linda in the Counseling office or email at
