Nathan and Rowan will be Ski Jumping for the Junior Nationals in Salisbury & Cornwall Connecticut!
Ryan has been selected to compete at the upcoming 2016 Alaska State Cross Country Ski Championships for West High School. The races will be held this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Feb 24, 25, and 26. Avery was chosen as well so there are two skiers from Steller competing at state again this year!
Ryan was also named to TEAM ALASKA to compete in the 2016 Junior Nationals Cross Country Ski Championships, which will be held in Cable, WI, March 6-11!
Ryan was also selected to serve as a volunteer coach for Skiku/NANA Nordic Program, which is a program that takes volunteers to rural areas to teach kids to ski – this year they are targeting villages in the Calista, Bering Straits, and North Slope Regions. Ryan was chosen to coach in Shishmaref!
Check out these ADN articles on Steller’s own:
Parker! http://www.adn.com/article/20160217/youth-came-large-state-hockey-tournament
Avery and Ryan! http://www.adn.com/article/20160220/orange-crush-west-skiers-bury-competition-cic-championships
Bret and Tatumn! Â http://www.adn.com/article/20151031/dimond-sweeps-boys-girls-cic-swimming-and-diving-championships