Special Super Steller Friday

Souper Steller this week is on and will be special! We’re inviting the 6th grade class from North Star to come have lunch with us. We will also encourage them to invite their families to the Ice Cream Social next week. This is a fun recruitment activity!

With 60 additional students we need ALL HANDS ON DECK!! If you can make it in for an hour to help, please do!

  • Thursday Prep- 2-4pm

  • Friday cook, setup, serve 9am-12:45pm

Come any hour! Jean’s advisory will be hosting and chose:

  • Chicken tortilla

  • Potato Pumpkin/Squash Soup

Don’t forget to save a tree and bring a bowl! If you cannot help but would like to donate, come to the auction and support all the good things that Steller Parent Group supports or leave a check at the front desk for Steller Parent Group, write Souper Steller in the memo line on check.