Ski with Alyeska Discover Program

Jason Collins (new math teacher) is a team leader for the Alyeska Discover program. If you are not familiar with this program, it gives school-aged students the opportunity to learn to ski or snowboard at Alyeska. If students already know how, then this program can give them a ride to Alyeska and a lift ticket for the day. Enrollment in the program lets students go with Jason on February 6, 13, and 20. Jason has been a part of this program for more than 15 years and can attest to its success.

The deadline to register without a late fee for Jason’s block is January 24. You can still register after that, but there is a fee. To register, go to Pick the program you want based on your child’s needs. Make sure you choose Block 3 (Saturdays in February) and choose a pick up location of Northern Lights Blvd, Carrs at the Sears Mall.

Please contact Jason if you have any questions at