Steller Be The Change – Garden Project

gardenerPlease join Steller Be the Change and Yarducopia for a fun afternoon resurrecting the Steller Peace Garden and building community this Saturday from 1 – 4pm!  The garden desperately needs our love and attention and we really need your help. Our garden has the potential to grow abundant fruit and berries and lush vegetables, as well as to connect students, mentors and the earth.  On Saturday we will spread mulch around trees and learn to build a fertile lasagna garden.  Many hands make light work, and we will have time to share apple cider around a fire pit and get to know the garden: learn where the pear tree that bore a pear this summer is, check out the new compost pile, and dream of what spring can bring!  Everyone is welcome.  Please RSVP to Victoria at  We will have garden tools on hand, as well as hot apple cider.  Please bring work gloves and appropriate outdoor wear for the day.  Also bring bags of clean leaves that you were planning to dispose of.  Snacks to share are welcome but not required!