FUNdraiser Meeting Tuesday, 1/20, 6 pm

STELLER’S BIG FUNdRAISER – Community Event will be

March 21st. You are invited to help us plan it!!

PLEASE COME!! The next FUNdraiser meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 20th, at 6pm!!

We need some planners and doers to make it happen.

Working in teams, we will establish what needs to get done and by when.  We would love to have more planners and helpers! Please feel free to join us!

At our November meeting, we accomplished the following:

  • We reviewed more than 150 responses to the event survey and came up with a theme and some of the components for the night.
  • Expanding Your World – theme of event
  • Emphasis on student art
  • Big fun community movement in the Gym
  • Art and live auction in the MPR
  • Some leaders and team members were identified, with more help needed for: Gym activity, Food, Art, Auction, entertainment/agenda

Tuesday, January 20th working agenda:

  • Quick check-in on ways the event fits our mission (Camden will report on Jean and Philip’s ideas)
  • Team reports about actions, ideas and needs
  • Break into subgroups/teams to identify further, with assignments, deadlines and help needed

We will need a LOT of hands on deck especially for the day of and possibly day before event.  So if you want to be SURE to be on that volunteer list, please contact Jeanine at or Alyse at

Thanks Much and enjoy your long weekend.

(As a side note, Souper Steller could really use a few servers Friday, 1/16 at lunch, 11:15-12:15 pm)