Advisory Group Announcements for 1/5

AG Announcements – 1/05/15

Northstar Students—you won’t be going to today.  We will be having a meeting for everyone signed up for Northstar in the MPR during lunch today.  The notice is also on the Whiteboard by the office.

PSAT scores are in.  If you haven’t stopped in to get yours from John do it soon.

Jean’s 6th period Language Arts class will be meeting in Svetlana’s portable for the semester.

Seniors: We will be meeting Tuesday to plan prom. Please come and help. We have less than a month to make this happen.

Remember applications to participate in the Sister School Exchange to Toksook Bay are due tomorrow to Leigh Anne.

Model United Nations will meet this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s class. Make sure to be there. This meeting is very important!

Snow day has been approved by our student body.  January 21!