Ad Board 11/20/2014 Minutes
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- New Business
- CES Grant Request-Tabled until after Parent Group Item
- Lounge/Furniture Grant
- Concerning Steller’s grant for 16,000 for furniture.
- Passed a motion forming a new Lounge Committee, composed of Staff, Students, and Parents, to make recommendations for the use of state funds.
- Parent Group
- Concerning the control and use of the funds raised by Parent Group.
- Passed a motion to form a small group to examine how them money raised by parent group is dispensed, containing staff, students, and parents.
- CES Grant Request
- Concerning a request for partial reimbursement of expenses for attendance to the 2014 CES Fall Forum.
- Passed
- Discussion Items
- Ad-Board Purpose
- A discussion on how the Steller Government functions and if that is how Steller wants it to function.
- Dedicated next Ad-Board meeting, December 10, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., for examination and decision on Steller Government Functioning.
- Ad-Board Purpose
- Representatives are to spread information of the time and purpose of next ad-board meeting.
- Planet Steller Water Bottle Refill Station: A presentation on the installment of a water bottle refill station at Steller and receiving feedback from Ad-board