AG Announcements – 10/20/14

Parking reminder: You cannot park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Students are getting ticketed when parking too close to the fire hydrant outside our building.

9th grade class meeting, noon tomorrow in Marla’s room.

Seniors: Please come to a class meeting on Tuesday at 12:00 in Leigh Anne’s room. We will be discussing the prom theme, sweatshirts, the craft fair and more.

Students: Are you crafty or have cool art projects you want to create and sell? Are you looking for a way to make some money for your holiday shopping? The seniors are hosting this year’s Steller arts and crafts fair on Saturday November 22nd. Steller students are able to purchase the use of a booth for $20 and then keep any profits you make from your sales. Rent a booth on your own, with a friend, or have your whole advisory create something to sell for a charity of your choice. Sign up forms are in the office. Talk to Leigh Anne, Cody, or Allison B. with questions.

Attention All Steller Knitters and Crocheters- on Wednesday, November 5th, the first meeting of the New Steller Knitting and Crochet Club will be held! Meeting is at noon in Jen’s room. Be there, even if you don’t know how to knit! Bring our own knitting needles. Talk to Megan Moore for more information.

The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce is piloting a program where students grades 6-12 can apply for a class that will culminate in the formation of their own personal business. The program is titled the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!), and applications are due Wednesday October 22. You can find more information about the program at

Soccer sign up for intramural games at lunch is now open to all who wish to play. Sign up next to JB’s office.

Run through for LPF will be on Oct. 29th at 2:15 in the gym. Must pass the run through to attend the test out on Nov. 1st.

The deadline to submit your student application is this Wednesday, October 22nd. See Bob for more information, or visit the website.

Notes from the office:

  • If you have not paid intensives, go see Haley (pay or let her know when you will be paying)
  • Lost & Found is completely full, please get your stuff
  • The office is a work place, please be respectful and quiet
  • If you would like a binder or a vase, please see the office
  • If you are staying after school and would like to help, please see the office
  • If you are hanging up flyers, please use the already hanging bulletin boards instead of walls

The schedule for the week of conferences is as follows:

Monday1,2, 4, L, 5 (a blocked Friday Schedule)


Tuesday1, 2, 3, L, 6 (a blocked Tuesday Schedule)


WednesdayPer 1 – 8:30-9:15

Per. 2 – 9:20-10:05

Per. 4 – 10:10-10:50

Per. 5 – 10:55-11:35

Conferences 12:30-4:00


ThursdayPer 1 – 8:30-9:15

Per. 2 – 9:20-10:05

Per. 3 – 10:10-10:50

Per. 6 – 10:55-11:35

Conferences 12:30-7:00