RECESS Proposal

I have attached the RECESS proposal (Click here) that I would like to get started for 2nd semester.  All of the key components of RECESS are included in this proposal.  I would like for all of my parents and other interested parties to have a look-see.  The Steller Staff is on board with this offering as well as the majority of the students.  Please give me your feed back.

As with any “new thing”  there will be bumps in the road.  However, I hope they will be only a minimum distraction and can be worked out fairly quickly.  It will take some time for everyone [parents, teachers and students] to get in “a groove” and things begin to flow smoothly.  But I am confident that RECESS will have a positive affect on all of the students and their ability to exercise their freedom of choice in terms of their education.  RECESS will also give staff members that much need time to plan.  Planning in a school like Steller is all too important if the school  is to thrive.  Ideas have to be talked about, existing practices need to be fine tuned and a program such as ours needs to have room to expand.  I think that RECESS will meet the needs for working on all of these critical issues.
