Important Upcoming Events

It’s hard to believe but school is starting NEXT WEEK.  The Parent Group just wanted to let you know about some important upcoming events so that you can mark your calendars now.

First Day of School

Wednesday, August 20, 8:30 am

Students will report to their advisor’s room.

Fall Kick Off BBQ

Thursday, August 21, 6pm

This event is for all Steller students and families.  It is a time to reconnect with friends or meet new ones.  More information will follow soon.

New to Steller Family Orientation

Thursday, August 21, 7pm

This event will follow the BBQ and is geared toward new Steller parents.  Students are welcome to attend as well.

Back to School Night

Wednesday, September 10, 6pm

  This is an opportunity for you to meet all of your student’s teachers.  Remember that we begin this school year with two weeks of intensives.  Therefore, this event will be held after the regular class schedule begins.