APU class offered at Steller

I am happy to offer a college course through APU at Steller. This class is “The American Short Story” taught by Mrs. Gina Miller. The class will be offered to 10, 11 and 12th graders for both University credit and High School credit in English. Because it is APU the cost of the class is about 20% more than UAA. Normally this class would cost $1,800.00 for a 3 credit course. However, we will be able to get this course delivered at our school for 1/3 the cost [$600.00].

The class will only be able to happen if we get at least ten students signed up to take the course. There are no scholarships through Steller if anyone wants to take the class they will need to pay the tuition. The class will be conducted as a college course and subject to the same conditions as any university class, that is to say I will not be able to alter in anyway what the requirements are for the class. Parents will have to deal directly with the professor of the class.

The course will be offered on Wednesdays beginning the week of Feb. 2nd, 2009 [provided we get enough students enrolled]

The course description and the readings are attached for your viewing. Please contact me if interested as soon as possible.

Text: The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, (8th edition). You will have enough time to go online and order the text used or she can place an order to have the books delivered to the campus bookstore. Keep in mind the books she orders will cost considerably more than a used one. At this time I have no idea how much the book will cost. Below is the website for online ordering. It is the green book and it looks like they have some used one for $23.00. However, I would wait to order until we know we have at least 10 people who are planning to sign up.


Click here to order text.

Click here for class info.