Principal’s Report (Parent Group 11-19-08)

Principal’s Report
November 19, 2008


Parent Meeting is Wednesday 11/19/08 .

Book Fair: Students, parents, teachers and families – If you should happen to shop at Title Wave during the in-store Book Fair.  At the end of the Fair, Title Wave will donate 25% of the proceeds from all of your purchases to Steller’s.  Just let them know you are a Steller Parent/Friend.

Alternative Fund. The Fund will help pay for next year’s Coalition of Essential School’s conference (to be held in the Fall).  Teachers, a parent, and a student will be attending the conference.  Vouchers were passed out during advisory group.  Did parents receive them?

November Dance: is 11/21/08 in the School’s MPR from 7:00 – 11:00

A concept for alternative learning on Wednesday has been presented to the Staff and Student Body.  Once the time element is worked out it will be presented to the Parent and Advisory.

Winter Intensives course selections full underway.  All but six students have signed up for Intensives.  Most of these are out of town.  The offerings are:
Alyeska, 2.  Empty Bowl & Mosaics, 3. Winter Urban Survival
4.  Alternative Canvas.  5. Murder Mystery  6. Internships  7. Digital Photography  8.  Quilting/Knitting  9. International Cooking  10. Pyrography  11. Ballroom Dance 12. Fencing  Return of the Rock

Class offerings: I have added another 7-8 Language Arts and another PE period. We will have a pre-registration on Monday the 24 to ascertain the number of students that sign up for classes.  The intent is that for some of the classes that has 6-9 students and another class has 50 [except PE] we will split it down the middle and offer two sections of that class.

There have only been two seniors to turn in grades[?] for the
Continental Auto Group Car Give-Away:
“Keys to Success”  which is a new car give-away program for good grades available to all High School Seniors.  I have posted the information on the School website and the parent website.  This is an amazing opportunity for one lucky Senior.
No purchase necessary for entry or to collect the Prize.
Prize may not be redeemed for cash.
Student must be a graduating senior on date(s) of entry, on Senior Fun Day (or like event).
Student must have valid Alaska driver license on date(s) of entry and collection of Prize.
Student must have had no suspensions during senior year until collection of Prize and sign affidavit to that effect.
Student must have no D’s or F’s on any of their first, second, third or fourth quarter report cards during the school year and must be able to demonstrate this on date(s) of entry.

For a list of the complete rules and regs go to the School or Parent website.